Posts Tagged body

Listen to your body’s messages

The body is an intelligent organism and can teach us how to live, if we just become quiet enough!

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A beginning

From Mata H at

We may never be able to unravel the complexity of inter-relatedness of the universe. But if we just acknowledge it and send what goodness we can into the world, we help heal the wounds.

Try this exercise — I use it to remind myself of the connectedness that I can easily forget — the next time you watch the news, imagine everyone they are discussing is related to you. A cousin, an aunt, a parent, a child. Think what you can do to help, then do what you can. Do not imagine that the answer can ever be “there is nothing I can do.”

Send a helping organization a check. Love someone more than yesterday. Pray. Do not lose hope. Use less fossil fuels. Help a stranger. Recycle more. Give. Write to Congress or the White House. Organize. Vote. Volunteer. Speak the truth.

Take the power of love seriously. Let your love for the world out, and let it roll into action. You are not alone. What you do touches what we all do, grows, expands, heals. What you do gives me courage, gives everyone you know hope as it gives to the rest of the world. Mitakuye Oyasin.

This blog is my attempt at giving back to the world, a small gesture to help others find information on all aspects of wellness: body, mind, spirit. Namaste!

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